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In the movie, Eat, Pray, Love, Julia Robert tells a man from Texas how much she feels betrayed and hurt by her ex. He says, "Send him some love and light every time you think about him, then drop it."
Lessons from a 10-year-old
A 10-year-old boy named Mark decided to study judo despite losing his left arm in an automobile accident. Mark began lessons with an aged Japanese judo master and was doing well. But after three months, he passed despite only being taught one move. He questioned the master. "This is the only move you'll ever need to know," the master replied.
Can we doubt God?
Better yet… are we allowed to doubt God? Is it okay to doubt God? If I doubt God does that mean my faith diminishes? Does God get mad at me if I doubt Him? If you've ever thought about these questions, welcome to the club.
How do you know he/she is the one?
Before I start, I don’t believe in the “one.” The idea of “the one” and a “soul mate” comes originally from Plato, the Greek philosopher, not the bible. I don’t think there is one right person for you out there, and if you don’t find this person, you are doomed or stuck with some mediocre choice. This theology doesn’t sound like God’s kind character, nor does it make space for the reality that we have free will.
In an instant—everything changed.
It was at the coffee shop around the corner, talking to my mentor, and crying (a lot). I was tired - and maybe it was from MMA training, the three speaking events in the past week, my lack of sleep, or too many waitressed shifts. I felt this insatiable need to overwork. Then my mentor said the words that changed my life
Journal of a Virgin
I am what you might call ‘an endangered species’ or ‘a rare breed’, if you like. I’m pretty sure there aren’t many of us around, but to put it straight to you, I am 24 years old, living in LA and I am a VIRGIN! I would also like to inform you that I have never been past first base. In other words, I have only ever kissed a guy. And the last time I lip-locked a man was FIVE years ago. Some could say (my body would say), I’m a “desert of depravity”.
Journal of a Virgin Pt 2
Being a person who is naturally confident and very open about my lack of sexual experiences, I tend to have a lot of conversations about sex. Despite this, it does suck to be in my twenties and still find myself completely unable to relate to eight out of ten conversations unfolding at Happy Hour at any given time.
Journal of a Virgin Pt 3
Here you are. You've read the previous journals and yet you can't help but get in the boxing ring and wrestle with your thoughts. The ideas of purity or sexual boundaries are all great in theory. But in practice… you've practiced. In other words, you've had sex.
Journal of a Virgin Pt 4
Three years ago, about twenty of my friends got together in several cars and drove five hours down the coast of New Zealand to our friend’s bach (for my non-Kiwis, this means “holiday house”).
I once asked my mother, “how do I find the right man?”She laughed and said, “Honey, that’s the wrong question. How can you be the right woman?”
Singleness Pt 2
Firstly, I want to take a moment to thank each reader. There are THOUSANDS of people who read each journal and HUNDREDS of individuals who have messaged me.
Porn is not real love.
Before you continue this journal, please know I come from a place of love, grace and understanding. This is no easy subject to tackle
Closed Singleness
Simply put, this is a season where you do not date or consider any love interest (at least try not to). The purpose of this season is to heal wounds, move on from past relationships and strengthen your self-love.
Open Singleness
Open singleness is the season in-between closed singleness and a serious relationship. It is when you go on dates, maybe download a dating app, flirt with the cute guy at the gym and courageously ask that person out for coffee.
After sharing on an Instagram post last week about break-ups, I received DMs from 10 different people who had gone through a break-up the night before. 10 people!
Break-ups Pt 2
A relationship ends. A love story concludes. Your best friend is no longer in your life. And you really miss that person.
When I was twenty years old, I attended a youth group at my church.
The M-Word Pt 2
Welcome to your “practical guide” to stopping masturbation!
The M-Word
Welcome to the most requested blog!
How Far is Too Far?
You're dating someone, and the chemistry is spicy, but you want to honor your decision to wait until you are married. So, what can and can't you physically do?!